Annual Neuroscience Retreat: Catherine Hartley (New York University), Debra Silver (Duke University)

October 12, 2023
8:30 am - 10:00 pm
Medical Campus: Eric P. Newman Education Center (EPNEC) and Farrell Learning & Teaching Center (FLTC)

Catherine Hartley: “Developing behavioral flexibility”
Debra Silver: “Building our brains: Lessons from the RNA world”

The Annual Neuroscience Retreat is organized by graduate students across programs and departments, and intended to foster scientific and social interaction among students, post docs, and faculty in the WashU Neuroscience community.

This year’s Neuroscience Retreat features two full days of programming: Keynote talks; new faculty talks; trainee talks; poster sessions; Table Topics; and Lightning Talks (new this year!). We’ll take a break on Thursday evening and head for The Boathouse at Forest Park for presentation of the Neuroscience Community Awards, NeurOlympics, and a party! To get there, you’re welcome to ride a trolley or join an organized walk.

Visit the Neuroscience Retreat webpage for more information.

For inquiries contact the ONR.