BME Seminar: Shulamit Levenberg (Technion University)

April 26, 2018
10:10 am - 11:10 am
Whitaker Hall 218 (Danforth Campus)

“Stem cells for engineering vascularized tissue grafts and flaps”

Abstract: Abstract: Vascularization continues to represent a major challenge in the successful implementation of regenerative strategies. Current approaches for inducing vascularization in vivo include pre-forming a vasculature ex vivo, and the use of a variety of strategies to stimulate vascularization in situ. Vessel network assembly within 3D tissues can be induced in-vitro by means of co- culturing of endothelial cells, fibroblasts and cells specific to the tissue of interest. This approach supports formation of endothelial vessels and promotes endothelial and tissue-specific cell interactions. In addition, we have shown that in vitro pre-vascularization of engineered tissue can promote its survival and vascularization upon implantation and that implanted vascular networks, can anastomose with host vasculature and form functional blood vessels in vivo. Sufficient vascularization in engineered tissues can be achieved through coordinated application of improved biomaterial systems with proper cell types. We have shown that vessel network maturity levels and morphology are highly regulated by matrix composition and analyzed the vasculogenic dynamics within the constructs. In addition, we have recently shown that adipose-derived endothelial cells and mesenchymal stem cells enhance vascular network formation on 3D constructs in vitro and can contribute to in vivo vascularization of tissue-engineered flaps. We also explored the effect of mechanical forces on vessels organization and demonstrated that morphogenesis of 3D vascular networks is regulated by tensile forces. Revealing the cues controlling vascular network properties and morphology can enhance in-vitro tissue vascularization and improve graft and flap integration prospects.

Biomedical Engineering (BME) seminars

For inquiries contact Jamie Skubal.


Please know that there have been changes to parking on the Danforth Campus due to the east end construction.

Metrolink or biking to the Danforth campus are the easiest options.

If you choose to drive, the closest parking is in Millbrook garage off of Forest Park Parkway and Throop Drive.  It will take approx. 15 minutes to walk to our building.