“TRPV4 is a regulator of adipose oxidative metabolism, inflammation and energy homeostasis”
Cell. 2012 September 28; 151(1): 96–110.
Coffee and cookies will be served.
Center for the Investigation of Membrane Excitability Diseases (CIMED) seminars
For inquiries contact Paula Reynolds.
The Ion Channels and Excitability Discussions Journal Club is a core activity of CIMED and Center members are encouraged to be active participants.
Our Journal Club is a great opportunity for trainees to gain practice at presentation, and for each of us to learn. It takes place on Mondays from 1:00 to 2:00 pm, in the West Seminar room, 9 A/B on the 9th floor in BJCIH.
Recent papers in the general field of membrane excitability are discussed in a friendly, interactive environment. The scope is broad and can accommodate everyone’s interests, from physiology to biophysics, and from biochemistry to genetic, animal and clinical studies.
Alternatively, participants are welcome to present their own work, as a way to prepare for a thesis defense, a job talk, or a conference at an outside meeting. Graduate students can take the Journal Club for credit. And, as an added plus, coffee and cookies are served!
If you cannot present on the day you are scheduled, please find an alternate and let us know.
On the first Monday of every month, the Journal Club is replaced by the “EXCITE Seminar Series”.
Colin Nichols, Ph.D.