VIRTUAL Glia Group: Brian Lananna (Imai lab, WashU Developmental Biology) – “Microglia mediate forgetting via complement-dependent synaptic elimination”

May 13, 2020
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Zoom conference (Virtual)

“Microglia mediate forgetting via complement-dependent synaptic elimination”

Chao Wang, et al. Science 07 Feb 2020: Vol. 367, Issue 6478, pp. 688-694

Glia Group aims to bring together WashU scientists interested in understanding the role of glial cells in the CNS and PNS through works-in-progress and recent publication discussions. In normal times, we meet every other week from 12:00-1:00pm in BJC Institute of Health 9AB.

For inquiries contact Celia McKee or Sarah Rosen.