HYBRID MIR Special Seminar: Mark “Marty” Pagel (MD Anderson Cancer Center) – “Evaluations of tumor acidosis, hypoxia and vascular perfusion with molecular imaging”

November 15, 2022
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Zoom/Radiology/NIL Conference Room (Medical Campus, 4525 Scott Ave, East Bldg 2311)

“Evaluations of tumor acidosis, hypoxia and vascular perfusion with molecular imaging”

Hosted by the Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology (MIR) 

Background: Dr. Mark “Marty” Pagel directs the Contrast Agent Molecular Engineering Laboratory (CAMEL), which focuses on molecular imaging research at the pre-clinical and clinical levels to interrogate biomarkers of the tumor microenvironment. Research studies in CAMEL are very multidisciplinary, spanning chemistry, biochemistry, cell & molecular biology, cancer biology, immunology, biomedical engineering, medical physics, and radiology. Due to these multidisciplinary activities, CAMEL provides a great environment for collaborations and for training researchers who are interested in molecular imaging of cancer.

For inquiries contact Robert Massa.