Join Becker Library’s Data Management and Sharing Services for an upcoming MDClone workshop. This session will cover the absolute basics of MDClone including 1) what is synthetic data and how it can help your research, 2) what types of EHR can be queried in MDClone.
The Zoom link will be sent to all who register one day prior to workshop.
MDClone is a free, secure, self-service platform that allows you to query Electronic Health Record (EHR) from the Institute for Informatics, Data Science & Biostatistics (I²DB) Research Data Core (RDC) prior to receiving IRB approval. This is possible because MDClone generates computationally derived (“synthetic”) data. Since the synthetic data do not contain protected health information (PHI), their use is not classified as human participant research.
This webinar will include that absolute basics of MDClone:
- What is synthetic data?
- How can synthetic data help with your research?
- What types of EHR data can be queried within MDClone?
- How do I access the data?
To access MDClone, follow the Instructions to Request Access.
Please note, this is a beginner level workshop. If you have experience in MDClone, this class may not be beneficial for you.
For inquiries contact Chris Sorenson.