School of Medicine

David Bundy, PhD
Research Topics
- Neuroprosthetic research with a particular focus on applications for stroke survivors

Andreas Burkhalter, PhD
Research Topics
- Anatomy and physiology of network of mouse visual cortex

Harold Burton, PhD
Research Topics
- Sensorineural unilateral hearing loss (UHL)
- Blindness

Cat Camacho, PhD
Research Topics
- Identify neurodevelopmental patterns of emotion processing that confer risk for depression and/or anxiety

Meghan Campbell, PhD
Research Topics
- Cognitive and behavioral sequelae associated with movement disorders

Laura Campisi, PhD
Pathology & Immunology
Research Topics
- T cell responses
- Neurodegenerative disorders, esp. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
- Immune dysfunctions

Alexandre Carter, MD, PhD
Orthopedic Surgery
Research Topics
- Brain plasticity at the network level
- Stroke

Valeria Cavalli, PhD
Research Topics
- Mechanisms of peripheral nervous system (PNS) regeneration
- Identify potential targets for therapeutic interventions in central nervous system injury and traumatic PNS injuries

Laura Cavallone, MD
Research Topics
- Role of glutamate metabotropic receptor 5 antagonists in the treatment of inflammatory pain
- Perioperative management and anesthesia for ENT and Head and Neck surgery

Patricia Cavazos-Rehg, PhD
Research Topics
- Reduction of health and mental health disparities among underserved populations
- Risk behaviors associated with substance abuse and dependence

Marina Cella, MD
Pathology & Immunology
Research Topics
- Understanding immune responses in health and disease, including neurologic diseases

Salim Chahin, MD
Research Topics
- Exploring novel outcome measures and biomarkers for Multiple Sclerosis and other demyelinating diseases

Alexander Chamessian, MD, PhD
Research Topics
- Mechanisms of acute and chronic pain
- Molecular and cellular foundations of the somatosensory system
- Neural regeneration
- Clinical pain management

Baron Chanda, PhD
Research Topics
- Structural mechanisms that underlie gating of members of the voltage-dependent ion channel family

Aisling Chaney, PhD
Research Topics
- Molecular imaging
- Neuroimmune interactions
- Translational research
- Myeloid cell responses
- Neurological and neurodegenerative diseases

Tao Che, PhD
Research Topics:
- Pain-related G protein-coupled receptors
- Molecular determinant of opioid receptor signaling

Hong Chen, PhD
Biomedical Engineering
Research Topics
- Combines biology, engineering, and medicine to develop ultrasound techniques for noninvasive, targeted, and personalized cancer treatment

Li-Shiun Chen, MD
Research Topics
- Precision medicine
- Clinical trials
- Genetics of smoking cessation and treatment
- Implementating smoking cessation treatment in patients with mental illness
- Cross-population and longitudinal studies
- Public health genomics

Shiming Chen, PhD
Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
Research Topics
- Molecular mechanisms regulating photoreceptor gene expression in healthy and diseased retinas

Yao Chen, PhD
Research Topics
- The dynamics of neuromodulators and intracellular signals and how they contribute to the function of neuromodulators, to learning, and to the function of sleep

Yasheng Chen, DSc
Research Topics
- Multimodality neuroimage analysis
- Statistical inference and large data analysis
- Biomedical computing

Wayland Cheng, MD, PhD
Research Topics
- Molecular mechanisms of allosteric modulation of ligand-gated ion channels

Milan Chheda, MD
Research Topics
- Chromatin regulation and its role in maintaining tumor initiation cells and normal neural stem cells

Luqi Chi, MD
Research Topics
- Sleep apnea
- Effectiveness of CPAP therapy on cardiovascular system
- CPAP adherence trials

John Cirrito, PhD
Research Topics
- Alzheimer's disease
- Synaptic regulation
- Signaling pathways

Brian Clark, PhD
Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
Research Topics
- Understand the transcriptional landscape to 1) select an individual progenitor cell to exit the cell cycle, and 2) differentiate as a specific retinal cell type at the appropriate developmental time

William Clark, PhD
Research Topics
- Noise-induced hearing loss (occupational and non-occupational)
- Auditory physiology
- Cochlear biomechanics
- Acoustics

David Clifford, MD
Research Topics
- HIV-associated dementia
- Painful peripheral neuropathies in HIV
- Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
- Cryptococcal meningitis
- Toxoplasma encephalitis
- Primary CNS lymphoma
- Cytomegalovirus encephalitis/radiculomyelitis
- HIV myelopathy

C. Robert Cloninger, MD, PhD
Research Topics
- Characterizing the genotypic and phenotypic architecture of mental disorders as non-linear dynamic systems, primarily in analysis of genome-wide association studies

Marco Colonna, MD
Pathology & Immunology
Research Topics
- Plasmacytoid dendritic cells and IFNα/β in host defense and autoimmunity
- Innate immune mechanisms in Alzheimer`s disease and neurodegeneration

Charles Conway, MD
Research Topics
- Treatment-resistant depression (TRD) phenomenology
- Novel treatments for TRD
- Neuroimaging of mood disorders
- Bipolar disorders

John Cooper, MD, PhD
Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics
Research Topics
- Dendritic spine morphology and dynamics
- Synaptic morphology and dynamics
- Actin polymerization, assembly and turnover

Jonathan Cooper, PhD
WashU Pediatrics
Keywords: Pathogenesis and experimental therapies for lysosomal storage disorders

Bryan Copits, PhD
Research Topics
- Circuit wiring
- Optical tool design
- Human neurophysiology

Joseph Corbo, MD, PhD
Pathology & Immunology
Research Topics
- Transcriptional networks in the retina
- Mechanistic basis of color vision
- Cis-regulatory basis of human uniqueness and neuropsychiatric disease

Douglas Covey, PhD
Developmental Biology
Research Topics
- Neuroactive steroids
- Neuroprotective steroids
- Cholesterol homeostasis
- Steroid effects on the physical properties of cellular membranes

Anne Cross, MD
Research Topics
- Inflammation and demyelination in the central nervous system
- Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Carlos Cruchaga, PhD
Research Topics
- Genetic basis of Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease, stroke and other neurodegenrative disorders

Ralph Dacey Jr., MD
Research Topics
- Intracerebral microcirculation
- Colloid cysts of the third ventricle
- Intracranial aneurysms
- Intra-operative imagine in neurosurgery

Mai Dang, MD, PhD
Research Topics
- Functional heterogeneity of microglia and macrophages in pediatric brain tumors