Anesthesiology Research Data Blitz: Richard Slivicki (Gereau lab, WashU Anesthesiology), Brian Ruyle (Moron-Concepcion lab, WashU Anesthesiology)

February 20, 2020
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Clinical Sciences Research Building 5550 (CSRB; Medical Campus)

Richard Slivicki: “An acute mouse model of oxycodone-induced physical dependence”
Brian Ruyle: “Central and peripheral effects underlying fentanyl-induced respiratory depression in rats”

NOTE location

This is an informal ‘work-in-progress’ session presented by Anesthesiology graduate students and postdocs.

The “Data Blitz” style of presentation is a condensed 3-5 minute overview of a current project with emphasis on the latest data and ideas for the future. Everyone, especially faculty, is invited to come and participate in the discussion.

Hosted by Anesthesiology Research Divisions

For inquiries contact Amber Spies.