Aimed to drive multidisciplinary conversations about the effects of stressors on brain development, consider the impacts on individuals, families and communities, and spur discussions on possible strategies to address.


Deanna Barch, PhD

Deanna Barch studies how early adversity (e.g., poverty, stress, and disparities in access to health care) shape early brain development and subsequent risk for mental health challenges.

More about Deanna Barch…

Other WashU investigators working on topics of brain development, law and policy


Maternal Prenatal Social Disadvantage and Neonatal Functional Connectivity: Associations With Psychopathology Symptoms at Age 12 Months

Herzberg MP, Nielsen AN, Brady R, Kaplan S, Alexopoulos D, Meyer D, Arora J, Miller JP, Smyser TA, Barch DM, Rogers CE, Warner BB, Smyser CD , Luby JL. (2024) Developmental Psychology

Basic Environmental Supports for Positive Brain and Cognitive Development in the First Year of Life

Luby JL, Herzberg MP, Hoyniak C, Tillman R, Lean RE, Brady R, Triplett R, Alexopoulos D, Loseille D, Smyser T, Rogers CE, Warner B, Smyser CD, Barch DM. (2024) JAMA Pediatrics

Threat experiences moderate the link between hippocampus volume and depression symptoms prospectively in adolescence

Herzberg MP, DeJoseph ML, Luby J, Barch DM. (2024) Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 66, art. no. 101359, .