“Exploring the effect of general anaesthesia on patients’ post-operative sleep and circadian rhythms”
NOTE date
Hosted by the Center on Biological Rhythms and Sleep (COBRAS)
Dr. Warman’s research focusses on how general anaesthesia (GA) causes sleep and circadian disruption in patients, and what might be done about this disruption. The overarching goal of this work is to: (1) understand how GA affects the circadian clock and sleep post-operatively using animal models and (2) develop ways to combat post-operative sleep and circadian disruption in patients using the principles of chronobiology. In this talk he will discuss the findings from the animal studies and our clinical trials on donor nephrectomy patients, and will summarize the current understanding of the disruptive effect of GA on the clock and sleep and what might be done about it.
COBRAS is a multi-disciplinary, cross-departmental center dedicated to enhancing research related to sleep, circadian Rhythms, and disease at WashU.
For inquiries contact Ellen Fischbach.