“Advancing neuroimaging to extract neural and physiological dynamics”
Hosted by the NeuroImaging Laboratories (NIL)
Brief bio: Dr. Jingyuan Chen is an Instructor at the Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Harvard Medical School. Dr. Chen received her PhD from Stanford University, with a major in Electrical Engineering and a minor in Statistics. Her thesis work, mentored by Dr. Gary Glover, focused on advancing general fMRI methodology and characterizing the temporal dynamics of brain spontaneous fluctuations. Excited by the continuing technical advances in human neuroimaging, she sought further postdoc training in multi-modal methods (EEG-fMRI, functional PET-MRI) and 7T high-field fMRI at MGH, supervised by Drs. Bruce Rosen and Jonathan Polimeni. Supported by an NIH K99 award, her current and future research will focus on integrating state-of-the-art functional PET technology and fMRI to probe the neuronal, vascular, energetic and neuromodulatory mechanisms underlying brain functional dynamics.
For inquiries contact Beth Beato.