20 Jan

The Danforth Campus 38th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemoration will take place on Monday, January 20, 2025, from 2-3:30 p.m. in Graham Chapel. The commemoration theme is “Responsibility,” inspired by the quote: “Ultimately individual responsibility lies not in the external situation but in the internal response.” – Martin Luther King, Jr., from his […]

24 Mar

The Inaugural Mark Gold Lecture Series is hosted by the Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences. The speaker, Sir Robin Murray, PhD, is Professor of Psychiatric Research at King’s College, London. Abstract: There has been an important change in the presentation of schizophrenia-like psychoses over the past 30 years.  Reports started coming from Japan and Taiwan […]

3 Apr

O’Leary Prize Competition

April 3, 2025
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
TBA (Medical Campus)

The 49th Annual James L. O’Leary Prize Competition is held each year in conjunction with the O’Leary Lecture.  Designed to acknowledge the most original and important accomplishments in Neuroscience research at WashU by a predoctoral student or postdoctoral fellow Each Finalist will deliver a 10-minute presentation, and our judging panel will choose 2 winners to each […]

18 Apr

Goldring Lecture

April 18, 2025
7:45 am - 8:45 am
Zoom/Holden Auditorium (Farrell LTC, Medical Campus)

The Sidney Goldring Lecture in Epilepsy is designed for neurologists, neurosurgeons and neuroscientists and hosted by the Department of Neurology.  Full schedule, Neurology Grand Rounds For inquiries contact Andrea Barker.

25 Sep

The 43rd Annual Oliver H. Lowry Lecture is hosted by the Department of Developmental Biology. The Lowry Lecture is held annually to honor the many contributions of the late Oliver Lowry to the field of biochemistry and metabolic regulation, as well as to Washington University. Dr. Lowry came to Washington University in 1947 and chaired […]

30 Oct

Lowry Lecture: James Briscoe (The Francis Crick Institute)

October 30, 2025
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Connor Auditorium (Farrell LTC, Medical Campus)

The 43rd Annual Oliver H. Lowry Lecture is hosted by the Department of Developmental Biology. The Lowry Lecture is held annually to honor the many contributions of the late Oliver Lowry to the field of biochemistry and metabolic regulation, as well as to Washington University. Dr. Lowry came to Washington University in 1947 and chaired […]