“Cortical and sub-cortical mechanisms of information seeking and curiosity”
Relevant in press publication:
- J Kael White, Ethan S Bromberg-Martin, Sarah R Heilbronner, Kaining Zhang, Julia Pai, Suzanne N Haber, Ilya E Monosov. “A neural network for information seeking”. bioRxiv, preprint first posted online Aug. 1, 2019
The IDDRC Seminars for Neurodevelopmental Disorders Research, formerly the Autism Seminar series, brings in WashU faculty and other experts across disciplines whose research has particular implications for interventions in neurodevelopmental disorders.
Hosted by the Department of Neuroscience and the Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center (IDDRC).
For inquiries or if you would like to be added to a distribution list for these events, contact Daniel Gray.