NOTE date, location
Growing Up In Science is a global series dedicated to sharing the personal narratives of scientists, with a focus on the hidden challenges of becoming and being a scientist throughout all stages of one’s career. We’ll feature scientists at WashU via in-person talks at 4pm in McDonnell 928, typically on the first Thursday of the month.
Full schedule, Growing Up In Science
If you have questions or are interested in getting involved, please contact Julia Pai.
Official Story
Erik Herzog studies the molecules, cells and circuits that underlie daily rhythms in physiology and behavior. He earned his Ph.D. in Neuroscience studying with Dr. Robert Barlow and pursued postdoctoral training with Dr. Gene Block. In 2000, he started his lab at Washington University. With support from agencies including the National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation and the March of Dimes, his lab has published over 100 peer-reviewed articles.
His laboratory has discovered mechanisms underlying how circadian clocks synchronize to each other and the environment and how they regulate physiology, behavior and health. Current projects include: treating glioblastoma and preterm birth with sleep and circadian principles, revealing neural codes for synchrony among circadian cells and tissues, and inferring the connections, interaction functions, and cell types that underlie daily rhythms as a function of age, sex and seasons. Dr. Herzog is the Viktor Hamburger Professor of Arts and Sciences at Washington University, past President of the Society for Research on Biological Rhythms, past Director of the Neuroscience Ph.D. program, founder and Director of the WU ENDURE Program, and founder and Faculty Coordinator of St. Louis Neuroscience Outreach. He has dedicated himself to diversity, equity and inclusion efforts through service at Washington University, in St. Louis, the Society for Neuroscience, and the Society for Research on Biological Rhythms. He has been recognized with multiple teaching and mentoring awards.
Unofficial Story
Erik has yet to grow up. He thinks that one day, he will attain his dream of being a marine biologist, but he gets sea sick and lives in St. Louis. He is happy to talk about the winding path of research that has included a submarine, underwater habitats, months of Antarctic summer sunshine, and many mice which led to some clinical trials for chronotherapy. He is also happy to talk about what science communication means to him and why we should end Daylight Saving Time.