Hosted by the WashU Department of Philosophy.
SLAPSA XI Schedule
9:30a Coffee and General Congregation
9:45a Alex Morgan (Rice University) – “Implementation as Explanation: Systematicity in the ‘Age of the Brain'”
10:45a coffee break
11:00a Corey Maley (University of Kansas) – “Analog Representation and Computation”
12:00p break for lunch
1:30p Luke Kallberg (Saint Louis University) – “Do evolutionary arguments reveal an epistemic circularity threat for some empirical science?”
2:30p coffee break
2:45p Chris Dorst (WashU Philosophy) – “Why are the Laws so Useful?”
3:45p coffee break
4:00p Seth Reed (University of Missouri, St. Louis) – “How to Distinguish Qualities and Dispositions”
5:00p coffee break
5:15p Jason Gardner (WashU Philosophy) – “The Concept of Health, And Mental Health”
For inquiries contact Carl Craver.