“Nanotechnology and Cancer Drug Delivery”
The Chancellor’s Graduate Fellowship Program (CGFP) and the Initiative to Maximize Student Development (IMSD, directed by Dr. Cherilynn Shadding) will co-host a symposium featuring Dr. Paula Hammond on Thursday, September 20, 2018. This event is in conjunction with the annual Chancellor’s Graduate Fellowship conference which attracts WU faculty, undergraduate and graduate students, staff, scholars from surrounding Universities, and the St. Louis community.
Professor Paula T. Hammond is the David H. Koch Chair Professor of Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the Head of the Department of Chemical Engineering. She is a member of MIT’s Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, the MIT Energy Initiative, and a founding member of the MIT Institute for Soldier Nanotechnology. She recently served as the Executive Officer (Associate Chair) of the Chemical Engineering Department (2008-2011). The core of her work is the use of electrostatics and other complementary interactions to generate functional materials with highly controlled architecture. Her research in nanotechnology encompasses the development of new biomaterials to enable drug delivery from surfaces with spatio-temporal control. She also investigates novel responsive polymer architectures for targeted nanoparticle drug and gene delivery, and self-assembled materials systems for electrochemical energy devices.
1:00p Keynote Talk by Paula Hammond (MIT)
2:00p Student Presentations in Moore Auditorium (Medical Campus)
3:30p Poster session and reception in the Farrell LTC Atrium (Medical Campus)
For inquiries contact medschooldiversity@wusm.wustl.edu.