GTAC Seminar: Richard Head (WashU Genetics)

March 21, 2018
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Eric P. Newman Education Center (EPNEC; Medical Campus)

“COMPBIO – The Next Generation of Omics Data Analysis, Interpretation, & Biological Knowledge Generation”

Sponsored by the Genome Technology Access Center (GTAC)

Location: Seminar Room B, EPNEC
Please RSVP:

Summary: The primary bottleneck to biological knowledge and hypothesis generation is no longer data generation or primary analysis, it is human interpretation of the often vast and highly complex data sets created by modern technologies. COMPBIO is a biological knowledge generation engine developed at the GTAC designed to vastly accelerate the process of data interpretation with Gene/Protein/Metabolite and other omics data source analysis. While existing analysis tools, such as Ingenuity, GeneGo, and EnrichR, depend on infrequently updated, semi-static knowledge bases, COMPBIO combines dynamic linguistic analysis of existing literature databases with experimental context to generate previously unobtainable insights. Furthermore, the output of the engine enables rapid interpretation of cellular and molecular processes by bench scientists with little-to-no background in bioinformatics.

This novel platform is being made available to researchers at WashU. Rich Head, primary inventor of COMPBIO, will review the underlying protocol, provide real-world examples of rapid interpretation, and outline the beta-access program for WashU investigators.

For inquiries contact Seth Crosby.