HYBRID Hope Center Clocks and Sleep Club: Ashish Sharma (Musiek lab, WashU Neurology), Chi-Chan Lee (Kerschensteiner lab, WashU Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences)

December 8, 2023
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Zoom/Farrell LTC 205 (Medical Campus)

Ashish Sharma: “Jetlag and neurodegeneration: Impact of circadian desynchrony on pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease”
Chi-Chan Lee: Alternative light pathway – circuit and function of IGL NPY neurons”

Hosted by the Hope Center Clocks & Sleep Club

The Hope Center Clocks & Sleep Club discusses recent publications and data related to biological timing.

There will be food, drink and conversation for those attending in-person!
​If you can’t be there in-person, join us via Zoom.

For inquiries please contact the Hope Center.