VIRTUAL Hope Center Clocks and Sleep Club: Jeffrey Haspel (WashU Medicine), Dmitri Nusinow (Danforth Plant Science Center)

March 5, 2021
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Zoom conference (Virtual)

Jeffrey Haspel: “TBA”
Dmitri Nusinow: “A circadian clock in a nonphotosynthetic prokaryote”

The Hope Center Clocks & Sleep Club meets the 1st Friday of every month and discusses recent publications and data related to biological timing.

Eelderink-Chen et. al. “A circadian clock in a nonphotosynthetic prokaryote”. Science Advances 08 Jan 2021: Vol. 7, no. 2, eabe2086

For inquiries please contact the Hope Center or for additional information about the Clocks & Sleep Club, please contact