African American Participation in AD Research: Effective Strategies Workshop

October 10, 2018
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Eric P. Newman Education Center (EPNEC; Medical Campus)

This workshop, hosted by the Charles F. and Joanne Knight Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (Knight ADRC) at Washington University, is made possible by funding from the National Institute on Aging (NIA). This workshop is accompanied by the 13th Annual Norman Seay Lecture, scheduled on October 9, 2018 at 4:00pm. There is no fee to attend these events.

More information & Registration
The goals of the Workshop are to:
  1. review the scientific rationale for including African Americans in Alzheimer research,
  2. discuss barriers to such participation,
  3. examine current “best practices” for recruitment and retention of African Americans in Alzheimer research, and
  4. develop proposals for new evidence-based strategies to improve African American participation. 

The Workshop will be attended by representatives from the African American community in St. Louis, the National Institute on Aging (NIA), the Alzheimer Association, and many other stakeholders.  As the NIA-funded Alzheimer Disease Centers (ADCs) have as our primary mission the fostering and facilitating Alzheimer research at their institutions and beyond, your involvement is critical to the success of the Workshop.  


For information regarding this event, contact Jennifer Phillips at 314-286-2882 or