Lee Robins Lecture: Debra Furr-Holden (New York University) – “Advancing Behavioral Health Equity from the Bench to the Bedside to the Community”

September 24, 2024
9:00 am - 10:15 am
Zoom/Clopton Auditorium (Medical Campus)

The 21st Annual Lee N. Robins, PhD Endowed Lectureship in Psychiatry is hosted by the Department of Psychiatry.

Debra Furr-Holden is a community-engaged researcher with expertise in health disparities research and policy-level interventions to promote health equity. Her research foci include drug and alcohol dependence epidemiology, psychiatric epidemiology, community violence prevention, and prevention science. Prior to her tenure at NYU, she was the C.S. Mott Endowed Professor of Public Health and associate dean for public health integration at Michigan State University, where she also directed the NIH-funded Flint Center for Health Equity Solutions in the College of Human Medicine. Previously, Dr. Furr-Holden was a professor in the Johns Hopkins’ Bloomberg School of Public Health.

For inquiries contact Brigitte Northrop.