VIRTUAL McDonnell Genome Institute Seminar: Richard Head (WashU Genetics) – “New Technologies in GTAC@MGI”

March 9, 2022
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Zoom conference (Virtual)

“New Technologies in GTAC@MGI”

Hosted by the McDonnell Genome Institute

One of the chief roles of MGI is to act as a bridge between researchers and rapidly evolving ‘omics technologies. Our facilities obtain these technologies and make them available to researchers both within and outside of WashU. In addition, we help to make biologic sense of the often-large datasets we produce.  While we once specialized in sequencing, we have been significantly diversifying to include genome engineering, proteomics, metabolomics, sub-cellular imaging, machine learning, etc. To keep the research community abreast of our expanding activities, we will present a series of seminars by directors, lab heads and collaborators. 

The first seminar will provide an overview of what is new at our genomics facility, the Genome Technology Access Center (GTAC@MGI), including new technologies available for research and infrastructure advancements to improve efficiency.  

For inquiries contact the McDonnell Genome Institute.