Psychiatry Research Seminar: Laura Bustamante (Barch lab, WashU Psychological & Brain Sciences), Anna Constantino-Pettit (Rogers lab, WashU Psychiatry), Robert Graham (Creed lab, WashU Anesthesiology)

March 5, 2025
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Zoom/Renard 2nd floor conference room (Medical Campus)

Laura Bustamante: “Computational approaches to individual differences in cognitive control and effort-based decision making”
Anna Constantino-Pettit: “Maternal Adversity, Perinatal Mental Health, and Early Childhood Outcomes”
Robert Graham: “Mechanisms of action of deep brain stimulation of the cingulate cortex for chronic pain”

Hosted by the Department of Psychiatry

For inquiries contact Brigitte Northrop.