HYBRID RAD Research Forum: Bridget Hunkins (Halabi lab, WashU Pediatrics), Aaron Anderson (Wang lab, WashU Genetics)

November 17, 2021
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Zoom/Connor Auditorium (Farrell LTC, Medical Campus)

Bridget Hunkins: “Allele-Specific Chromosome Removal after Cas9 Cleavage in Human Embryos”
Aaron Anderson: “Fibroblast dedifferentiation as a determinant of successful regeneration”

  • Zuccaro, et al. “Allele-Specific Chromosome Removal after Cas9 Cleavage in Human Embryos”. Cell 2020 Dec 10;183(6):1650-1664.e15.
  • Lin, et al. “Fibroblast dedifferentiation as a determinant of successful regeneration”.  Dev Cell 2021 May 17;56(10):1541-1551.e6.

The Regeneration, Aging, and Development (RAD) Research Forum Series is hosted by the Department of Developmental Biology and the Center of Regenerative Medicine.

Department of Developmental Biology seminars

For inquiries contact Kati Riebold.