RAD Research Forum: Matthew Mosley (Pincus Lab, WashU Genetics), Megan Radyk (Mills Lab, WashU Medicine)

April 3, 2019
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Needleman Library (Medical Campus, South Building 3907)

Matthew Mosley: “Uncovering gene expression programs that underly individual lifespan in C. elegans”
Megan Radyk: “Mature cell recruitment in repair is dependent on eIF2-ATF3”

WIP talks

Lunch is provided.

The Department of Developmental Biology’s Regeneration, Aging, and Development (RAD) Research Forum is a combination of the research talks format and RAD journal club. Rather than having a combined Research Forum including a WIP talk and a 30 minute journal club each Wednesday, we will be alternating the WIP talks and journal club on alternating weeks.

The format will be two 30-minute WIP talks (20-minute presentation, 10 minute discussion) every other week and Journal Club presentations every other week.

Department of Developmental Biology seminars

For inquiries contact Kati Riebold.