Hosted by the Siteman Cancer Center
At the symposium, trainees’ cancer research will be showcased from all departments and all types of research, including basic, pre-clinical, clinical, and public health projects.
Sessions are open to all WU investigators. All trainees, high school through junior faculty, who are conducting cancer research and faculty mentors are encouraged to attend.
8:30 AM Welcome
8:45 AM Oral Presentation Session – Junior Faculty Work-In-Progress Talks
9:45 AM Panel Discussion: Career Transitions
10:45 AM Poster Sessions
12:15 PM Lunch
1:00 PM Oral Presentation Session – Postdoctoral Faculty Work-In-Progress Talks
2:00 PM Keynote Speaker: Dineo Khabele, MD – Mitchell & Elaine Yanow Professor and Chair, WashU Obstetrics and Gynecology
3:00 PM Oral Presentation Session – Predoctoral Work-In-Progress Talks
4:00 PM Presentation Awards and Closing Remarks
We plan to host this event exclusively in-person with appropriate COVID-19 precautions in place.
For inquiries contact