VIRTUAL Synapse Journal Club: Allison Soung (Klein lab, WashU Medicine) – “T cells promote microglia-mediated synaptic elimination and cognitive dysfunction during recovery from neuropathogenic flaviviruses”

December 18, 2020
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Zoom conference (Virtual)

“T cells promote microglia-mediated synaptic elimination and cognitive dysfunction during recovery from neuropathogenic flaviviruses” 

Garber, Soung, et al. Nature Neuroscience volume 22, pages 1276–1288(2019)

The Synapse Journal Club explores recent publications on the neuronal synapse and its function. The scope is broad and can accommodate everyone’s interests in synapses, ranging from development to disease.

Join us every 1st and 3rd Friday of each month at 10:00 am.

For inquiries contact Geraldine Kress.