Systems Journal Club: Olivia Bockler (Ponce lab, WashU Dept. of Neuroscience) – “A neural network model of flexible grasp movement generation”

October 4, 2019
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
East McDonnell 3rd floor Conference Room (Medical Campus)

“A neural network model of flexible grasp movement generation”

Michaels, et al. bioRxiv 742189 (2019)

For pizza or salad RSVP to Mary Burkemper.

The Systems Journal Club has spirited discussions of recent systems neuroscience papers, covering sensory, motor and cognitive issues. We meet at Noon on Fridays in the 3rd floor conference room of East McDonnell. If you have any questions, contact Larry Snyder (WashU Dept. of Neuroscience).

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