VIRTUAL Systems Journal Club: Pingchuan Ma (Chen lab, WashU Neuroscience) – “Hypothalamic dopamine neurons motivate mating through persistent cAMP signalling”

November 5, 2021
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Zoom conference (Virtual)

“Hypothalamic dopamine neurons motivate mating through persistent cAMP signalling”

Zhang, et al. Nature volume 597, pages 245–249 (2021)

The Systems Journal Club has spirited discussions of recent systems neuroscience papers, covering sensory, motor and cognitive issues. We will meet virtually via Zoom until further notice. For inquiries or to be added to the journal club list, contact Camillo Padoa-Schioppa or Larry Snyder (WashU Dept. of Neuroscience).

Full schedule and archives, Systems Journal Club