VIRTUAL WUNIC Guest Lecture: Grace McIlvain (Emory University/Georgia Tech) – “Noninvasive Imaging of Brain Mechanical Properties and Applications in the Pediatric Population”

March 10, 2023
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Zoom conference (Virtual)

“Noninvasive Imaging of Brain Mechanical Properties and Applications in the Pediatric Population”

Hosted by the WashU Neuroimaging Community (WUNIC)

Brief Bio: Grace McIlvain has a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Delaware and is currently a post-doctoral researcher at Emory University/Georgia Tech. Grace’s research is in the field of Magnetic Resonance Elastography, an MRI technology for looking at the mechanical properties of brain tissue. In 2018, Grace was the first to publish on the mechanical properties of the pediatric brain and since then she has a number of technical and clinical papers on pediatric brain MRE. The broader goal of her research is to characterize regional brain mechanical properties during development and understand how these relate to development of function, and to study of atypical neuromechanical development and design interventions which target brain mechanical health.

For inquiries contact Cathy Gezella.