Opportunities to learn and engage.

  • To find individual events, check the ONR Calendar. Would you like to add your event to the ONR Calendar? Contact us!
  • Check the menu to the right for full details on events of interest to the Neuroscience Community. 
  • Would you like the Office of Neuroscience Research to host a webpage for your lecture, seminar series, or journal club?  Contact us!
  • Scheduling a new event?  Check the tables of annual and weekly events to avoid conflicts.

ONR Calendar

Events on the Medical and Danforth Campuses, and links to update your calendar. 

Named Lectures

Honoring leaders at WashU or others who have been impacted by our scientific research and/or clinical care

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Journal Clubs/Research Interest Groups

The ONR hosts web pages for journal clubs and other meetings of interest to the Neuroscience Community.


The ONR hosts web pages for competitions and awards of interest to the Neuroscience Community.

Standing Schedule:
Annual Events

A general schedule of named lectures and retreats.

Standing Schedule:
Weekly/Monthly Events

Recurring events such as seminars and journal clubs.