School of Medicine
Adam Eggebrecht, PhD
WashU Radiology
Adam Kepecs, PhD
WashU Neuroscience
Aisling Chaney, PhD
WashU Radiology
Amber Stratman, PhD
WashU Cell Biology & Physiology
Benjamin Philip, PhD
WashU Occupational Therapy
Bhooma Aravamuthan, MD, DPhil
WashU Neurology
Brian Clark, PhD
WashU Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
Caitlin Murphy, PhD
WashU Anesthesiology (Creed lab)
Cynthia Rogers, MD
WashU Psychiatry
Keywords: Neonatal functional and structural neuroimaging, childhood psychopathology, early life adversity, perinatal mental health
Daniel Kerschensteiner, MD
WashU Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
David Holtzman, MD
WashU Neurology
Erica Scheller, DDS, PhD
WashU Medicine
Evan Gordon, PhD
WashU Radiology
Fumihiko Urano, MD, PhD
WashU Medicine
Gabor Egervari, PhD
WashU Genetics, WashU Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics
Gabriel Haller, PhD
WashU Neurosurgery
Keywords: Human genetics of neurological disorders, deep mutational scanning, zebrafish models of human disease
Ilya Monosov, PhD
WashU Neuroscience
Jason Hassenstab, PhD
WashU Neurology
Jonathan Cooper, PhD
WashU Pediatrics
Jonathan Kipnis, PhD
WashU Pathology & Immunology
Keywords: Neuroimmunology, meninges, meningeal lymphatics, skull bone marrow, Alzheimer’s, CNS immune privilege
Jordan McCall, PhD
WashU Anesthesiology
Keywords: Stress-induced behaviors, neuromodulatory circuits, wireless brain-interfacing technologies
Joshua Rubin, MD, PhD
WashU Pediatrics
Joyce Balls-Berry, PhD, MPE
WashU Neurology
Kate McClannahan, AuD, PhD
WashU Otolaryngology
Laura McPherson, PT, DPT, PhD
WashU Physical Therapy
Lavinia Sheets, PhD
WashU Otolaryngology
Marco Colonna, MD
WashU Pathology & Immunology
Mayssa Mokalled, PhD
WashU Developmental Biology
Meaghan Creed, PhD
WashU Anesthesiology
Naresha Saligrama, PhD
WashU Neurology
Nico Dosenbach, MD, PhD
WashU Neurology
Keywords: Brain development, neuroplasticity, functional MRI, Resting State Functional Connectivity
Philip Ruzycki, PhD
WashU Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
Rebecca Brady
WashU Psychiatry/Neurology (WUNDER lab)
Robert Gereau, PhD
WashU Anesthesiology
Robyn Klein, MD, PhD
WashU Medicine
Ryan Duncan, PT, DPT, MSCI
WashU Physical Therapy
Sarah Ackerman, PhD
WashU Pathology & Immunology
Sheng Chih (Peter) Jin, PhD
WashU Genetics
Susan Perlman, PhD
WashU Psychiatry