WashU authors on topics of brain development, law and policy
Association of maternal fish consumption and ω-3 supplement use during pregnancy with child autism-related outcomes: results from a cohort consortium analysis
Lyall K, Westlake M, Musci RJ, … Bacharier L, Volk H, Ozonoff S, Schmidt R , Simhan H, Kerver JM, Barone C, Fussman C, Paneth N, Elliott M, Ruden D, Porucznik C , Giardino A, Innocenti M, Silver R, Conradt E, Bosquet-Enlow M , Huddleston K, Nguyen R , Trasande L, Swan S, program collaborators for Environmental influences on Child Health Outcomesbz , ECHO Componentsbz , Coordinating Centerbz , Data Analysis Centerbz , Person-Reported Outcomes Corebz , ECHO Awardees and Cohorts. (2024) American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Prenatal Social Determinants of Health: Narrative review of maternal environments and neonatal brain development
Herzberg MP, Smyser CD. (2024) Pediatric Research
Maternal Prenatal Social Disadvantage and Neonatal Functional Connectivity: Associations With Psychopathology Symptoms at Age 12 Months
Herzberg MP, Nielsen AN, Brady R, Kaplan S, Alexopoulos D, Meyer D, Arora J, Miller JP, Smyser TA, Barch DM, Rogers CE, Warner BB, Smyser CD , Luby JL. (2024) Developmental Psychology
Basic Environmental Supports for Positive Brain and Cognitive Development in the First Year of Life
Luby JL, Herzberg MP, Hoyniak C, Tillman R, Lean RE, Brady R, Triplett R, Alexopoulos D, Loseille D, Smyser T, Rogers CE, Warner B, Smyser CD, Barch DM. (2024) JAMA Pediatrics
Threat experiences moderate the link between hippocampus volume and depression symptoms prospectively in adolescence
Herzberg MP, DeJoseph ML, Luby J, Barch DM. (2024) Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 66, art. no. 101359, .
Prenatal substance exposure and child health: Understanding the role of environmental factors, genetics, and brain development
Gu Z, Barch DM , Luo Q. (2024) PNAS Nexus, 3 (1), art. no. pgae003
Oxytocin-induced birth causes sex-specific behavioral and brain connectivity changes in developing rat offspring
Giri T, Maloney SE, Giri S, Goo, YA, Song, JH, Son M, Tycksen E, Conyers SB, Bice A, Ge X, Garbow JR, Quirk JD, Bauer AQ, Palanisamy A. (2024) iScience, 27 (2), art. no. 108960
A global multicohort study to map subcortical brain development and cognition in infancy and early childhood
Alex AM, Aguate F, Botteron K, Buss C, Chong Y-S, Dager SR, Donald KA, Entringer S, Fair DA, Fortier MV, Gaab N, Gilmore JH, Girault JB, Graham AM, Groenewold NA, Hazlett H, Lin W, Meaney MJ, Piven J, Qiu A, Rasmussen JM, Roos A, Schultz RT, Skeide MA, Stein DJ, Styner M, Thompson PM, TureskyTK, Wadhwa PD, Zar HJ, Zöllei L, de los Campos G, Knickmeyer RC. (2023) Nature Neuroscience
Does asset poverty moderate how food insecurity is associated with adolescent problematic behavior? An application of the family stress model using multi-group path analyses
Chen J-H., Wu C-F, Jin M, Liao C-F, Chiang M, Jonson-Reid M, Drake B. (2023) Children and Youth Services Review
Behavioral and psychiatric correlates of brain responses to social feedback
Rappaport BI, Kujawa A, Arfer KB, Pegg S, Kelly D, Jackson JJ, Luby JL, Barch DM. (2023) Psychophysiology