Featuring topics at the intersection of science, medicine and society

William M. Landau, MD, was professor emeritus of neurology, and devoted husband to Pudge.  He served in the department of neurology from 1954 to 2012, including over 20 years as department head. He was the longest-serving faculty member at the School of Medicine.

Along with his scientific accomplishments, Dr. Landau was known for his commitment to social justice.  He served as director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Eastern Missouri for several years and also was actively involved with Physicians for a National Health Program, which advocates for single-payer national health insurance.  The Landau Lectureship aims to honor Dr. Landau’s legacy by continuing a focus on scientific topics that impact the larger community.

Learn more about Dr. Landau’s life.

Landau Lecturers

2022  Melissa Hines, PhD
2019   Helen Mayberg, MD
2017   Pat Levitt, PhD*
2015   Phillip Pearl, MD
2013   Alan McComas, MD
2011   Jonathan Pevsner, MD
2005   Virginia Weldon, MD
2003   Kenneth Ludmerer, MD
2001   Kenneth Tyler, MD
1999   Robert Collins, MD
1997   Sherwin Nuland, MD
1993   William Danforth, MD

*Dr. Landau passed away on November 2, 2017, but was able to attend Pat Levitt’s presentation of the William and Pudge Landau Lecture in September 2017.