Kelly Botteron, MD
Research Topics
- Structural brain differences in children and adolescents with affective disorders, attention deficit disorder and autism
- Fragile X Syndrome
- Down Syndrome
Learn more about Kelly Botteron.
Publications on brain development, law, and policy
Resting-state fMRI in sleeping infants more closely resembles adult sleep than adult wakefulness
Anish Mitra, Abraham Z. Snyder,[…] Kelly N. Botteron,[…] Bradley L. Schlaggar,[…] John R. Pruett Jr., Marcus Raichle: PLoS ONE, Volume 12, Issue 11, November 2017, Article number e0188122.
Subcortical Brain and Behavior Phenotypes Differentiate Infants With Autism Versus Language Delay
Swanson, M.R.[…] Natasha Marrus, Kelly Botteron […], IBIS Network: […] John Constantino, John Pruett, […]: Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, Volume 2, Issue 8, November 2017, Pages 664-672.