Pablo Blazquez, PhD
Research Topics
- Function of the Cerebellar-brainstem loop in motor control, spatial orientation and motor learning
Craig Buchman, MD
Research Topics
- Utility of auditory evoked cortical responses in the pediatric population
- Electrocochleography as an indicator of cochlear trauma
- Use of auditory brainstem implants in children with cochlear nerve disorders
William Clark, PhD
Research Topics
- Noise-induced hearing loss (occupational and non-occupational)
- Auditory physiology
- Cochlear biomechanics
- Acoustics
Lisa Davidson, PhD
Research Topics
- How perceptual and cognitive abilities interact to determine relative benefits of sensory devices for children with moderate to profound sensorineural hearing loss
Jill Firszt, PhD
Research Topics
- Bilateral and unilateral cochlear implants in adults and children
- Asymmetric hearing and unilateral hearing loss
- Speech recognition
- Behavioral and electrophysiologic measures with electrical stimulation and optimization of speech processor mapping
Keiko Hirose, MD
Research Topics
- Innate immunity in the inner ear and its influence on inner ear fluid homeostasis and hair cell degeneration
Molly Huston, MD
Research Topics
- Idiopathic subglottic stenosis
- Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis
- Hearing impairments caused by voice disorders
Jinkyung Kim, PhD
Research Topics
- Sound coding and processing in the cochlea and along the auditory pathway
Judith Cho Lieu, MD
Research Topics
- Unilateral hearing loss in children
- Hearing loss and cognition
Kate McClannahan, AuD, PhD
Research Topics
- Age-related hearing loss and cognitive aging, and how they interact
Allison Ogden, MD
Research Topics
- Inflammation of the parotid gland and obstruction of duct
- Normal salivary gland and duct anatomy
Kevin Ohlemiller, PhD
Research Topics
- Role of genetics in the form and progression of age-related hearing loss (ARHL)
- Role of genetics in the form and severity of noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL)
Amanda Ortmann, PhD
Research Topics
- Language and literacy development in children with cochlear implants
Guangyong Peng, MD, PhD
Research Topics
- Molecular mechanisms responsible for development of senescence and dysfunction of T cells in different diseases
Jay Piccirillo, MD
Research Topics
- Tinnitus
- Cancer
- Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (HHT)
Lisa Potts, PhD
Research Topics
- Electrophysiologic measures of the auditory nerve and binaural processing
Sidharth Puram, MD, PhD
Research Topics
- Mechanisms that underlie the growth, development, and spread of head and neck cancers
Mark Rutherford, PhD
Research Topics
- Sensory Synaptic Neurophysiology
- Action Potential Generation
- Auditory System
Nancy Tye-Murray, PhD
Research Topics
- Development of speech recognition and discourse comprehension tests
- Cognitive functions underlying speech recognition and audiovisual integration
Rosalie Uchanski, PhD
Research Topics
- Speech perception by hearing-impaired listeners, especially cochlear implant users
- Perception of talker-specific properties of speech by cochlear implant users, perception of suprasegmental speech characteristics and its relation to learning words
- Psychoacoustic abilities of cochlear implant users and of persons with unilateral hearing loss
Mark Warchol, PhD
Research Topics
- Development and regeneration of sensory receptors and afferent neurons in the inner ear
Tatyana Yakusheva, PhD
Research Topics
- Role of the vestibulo-cerebellum in motor control, balance and spatial navigation