Three Washington University in St. Louis researchers have received Young Investigator Grants from the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation. The foundation is committed to alleviating the suffering caused by mental illness by supporting research that will lead to advances and breakthroughs in scientific research. The $70,000 grants help junior investigators launch innovative basic, translational and clinical research […]
Category: Arts & Sciences
WashU weekly Neuroscience publications
“Incidence of uveitis and macular edema among patients taking fingolimod 0.5 mg for multiple sclerosis” (2020) Journal of Ophthalmic Inflammation and Infection Incidence of uveitis and macular edema among patients taking fingolimod 0.5 mg for multiple sclerosis (2020) Journal of Ophthalmic Inflammation and Infection, 10 (1), art. no. 24, . Sonne, S.J.a , Smith, B.T.b c a St. Louis University School of Medicine, St. […]
Prenatal cannabis exposure associated with adverse outcomes during middle childhood
While cannabis use during pregnancy is on the rise, researchers at Washington University in St. Louis have found evidence that the resulting children are more likely to have psychopathology in middle childhood. The team’s analysis are the first steps in studying the effects of cannabis on children as attitudes surrounding its use change rapidly — […]
WashU weekly Neuroscience publications
“Characterization of focused ultrasound-mediated brainstem delivery of intranasally administered agents” (2020) Journal of Controlled Release Characterization of focused ultrasound-mediated brainstem delivery of intranasally administered agents (2020) Journal of Controlled Release, 328, pp. 276-285. Ye, D.a , Luan, J.a , Pang, H.b , Yang, Y.b , Nazeri, A.c , Rubin, J.B.d e , Chen, H.b f a Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Washington University in St. Louis, […]
William H. Danforth, chancellor emeritus, trustee emeritus of Washington University, dies at 94
Chancellor Emeritus William H. Danforth, MD, who served as chancellor for 24 of his more than 65 years of service to Washington University in St. Louis, died Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2020, at his home in Ladue, Mo. He was 94. Dr. Danforth, who was also an emeritus trustee, led the university into an era of […]
WashU weekly Neuroscience publications
“Analysis of Modulation of the ρ1 GABAA Receptor by Combinations of Inhibitory and Potentiating Neurosteroids Reveals Shared and Distinct Binding Sites” (2020) Molecular Pharmacology Analysis of Modulation of the ρ1 GABAA Receptor by Combinations of Inhibitory and Potentiating Neurosteroids Reveals Shared and Distinct Binding Sites (2020) Molecular Pharmacology, 98 (4), pp. 280-291. Germann, A.L., Reichert, D.E., Burbridge, A.B., Pierce, S.R., […]
Zacks receives $250K grant from James S. McDonnell Foundation
Jeffrey M. Zacks, associate chair and professor of psychological and brain sciences in Arts & Sciences and professor of radiology at the School of Medicine, received a four-year $250,000 grant from the James S. McDonnell Foundation to study event cognition “in the wild.” This project will take the research into the world, where people actually […]
Female faculty in psychological sciences survey present, chart future
Psychology has made some impressive gains in gender parity in recent years. In the United States, women comprise the vast majority of undergraduate students in psychology classrooms, and women earn 71% of psychology PhDs. But these gains don’t tell the entire story. To fill in the gaps, a group of nearly 60 women faculty members […]
WashU weekly Neuroscience publications
“Experience-dependent resonance in amygdalo-cortical circuits supports fear memory retrieval following extinction” (2020) Nature Communications Experience-dependent resonance in amygdalo-cortical circuits supports fear memory retrieval following extinction (2020) Nature Communications, 11 (1), art. no. 4358, . Ozawa, M.a b , Davis, P.a b c e , Ni, J.a , Maguire, J.a , Papouin, T.a d , Reijmers, L.a a Department of Neuroscience, School of Medicine, Tufts University, Boston, MA, United States b Graduate Program in […]
WashU weekly Neuroscience publications
“Polygenic risk for anxiety influences anxiety comorbidity and suicidal behavior in bipolar disorder” (2020) Translational Psychiatry Polygenic risk for anxiety influences anxiety comorbidity and suicidal behavior in bipolar disorder (2020) Translational Psychiatry, 10 (1), art. no. 298, . Lopes, F.L.a , Zhu, K.a , Purves, K.L.b , Song, C.a , Ahn, K.a , Hou, L.a , Akula, N.a , Kassem, L.a , Bergen, S.E.c , Landen, M.c d , Veras, A.B.e , Nardi, […]
WashU weekly Neuroscience publications
“Testing the impact of a single nucleotide polymorphism in a Plasmodium berghei ApiAP2 transcription factor on experimental cerebral malaria in mice” (2020) Scientific Reports Testing the impact of a single nucleotide polymorphism in a Plasmodium berghei ApiAP2 transcription factor on experimental cerebral malaria in mice (2020) Scientific Reports, 10 (1), art. no. 13630, . Akkaya, M.a , Bansal, A.b e , Sheehan, P.W.a f , Pena, […]
WashU weekly Neuroscience publications
“Orbitofrontal-striatal potentiation underlies cocaine-induced hyperactivity” (2020) Nature Communications Orbitofrontal-striatal potentiation underlies cocaine-induced hyperactivity (2020) Nature Communications, 11 (1), art. no. 3996, . Bariselli, S.a d , Miyazaki, N.L.a , Creed, M.C.b c , Kravitz, A.V.a c a National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892, United States b Washington University Pain Center, St Louis, MO 63110, United States c Departments of Psychiatry, […]
Zeroing out their own zap
Electric fish generate electric pulses to communicate with other fish and sense their surroundings. Some species broadcast shorter electric pulses, while others send out long ones. But all that zip-zapping in the water can get confusing. The fish need to filter out their own pulses so they can identify external messages and only respond to […]
Aging memories may not be ‘worse,’ just ‘different’
“Memory is the first thing to go.” Everyone has heard it, and decades of research studies seem to confirm it: While it may not always be the first sign of aging, some faculties, including memory, do get worse as people age. It may not be that straightforward. Zachariah Reagh, assistant professor of psychological and brain […]
WashU weekly Neuroscience publications
“Blood plasma phosphorylated-tau isoforms track CNS change in Alzheimer’s disease” (2020) The Journal of Experimental Medicine Blood plasma phosphorylated-tau isoforms track CNS change in Alzheimer’s disease (2020) The Journal of Experimental Medicine, 217 (11), . Barthélemy, N.R.a , Horie, K.a , Sato, C.a , Bateman, R.J.a b c a Department of Neurology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO b Hope Center for Neurological Disorders, […]
WashU weekly Neuroscience publications
"Gait asymmetry, and bilateral coordination of gait during a six-minute walk test in persons with multiple sclerosis" (2020) Scientific Reports Gait asymmetry, and bilateral coordination of gait during a six-minute walk test in persons with multiple sclerosis(2020) Scientific Reports, 10 (1), art. no. 12382, . Plotnik, M.a b c , Wagner, J.M.d , Adusumilli, G.e , Gottlieb, A.a , Naismith, R.T.e a Center of Advanced Technologies in Rehabilitation, […]
WashU weekly Neuroscience publications
“A PIP2 substitute mediates voltage sensor-pore coupling in KCNQ activation” (2020) Communications Biology A PIP2 substitute mediates voltage sensor-pore coupling in KCNQ activation (2020) Communications Biology, 3 (1), art. no. 385, . Liu, Y.a , Xu, X.b , Gao, J.c , Naffaa, M.M.a , Liang, H.a , Shi, J.a , Wang, H.Z.c , Yang, N.-D.a , Hou, P.a , Zhao, W.a , White, K.M.F.a , Kong, W.a , Dou, A.a , Cui, A.a , Zhang, […]
Zacks awarded $2M grant from NIH
Jeffrey Zacks, professor of psychological and brain sciences in Arts & Sciences, received a nearly $2 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in support of a multiyear project titled “Improving Everyday Memory in Healthy Aging and Early Alzheimer’s Disease.” Read more.
Mark Rollins Retires
Professor Mark Rollins who joined the Department of Philosophy in 1987 is retiring this summer. Over the course of his time at Washington University, Rollins has held numerous leadership and administrative roles, but most important to our Department, Rollins served as Chair of Philosophy from 2002 to 2010. During this time, he nurtured the Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology […]
WashU weekly Neuroscience publications
“Quantification of brain oxygen extraction and metabolism with (15O)-gas PET: A technical review in the era of PET-MRI” (2020) NeuroImage Quantification of brain oxygen extraction and metabolism with [15O]-gas PET: A technical review in the era of PET/MRI (2020) NeuroImage, 220, art. no. 117136, . Fan, A.P.a b , An, H.c , Moradi, F.a , Rosenberg, J.a , Ishii, Y.a […]
WashU weekly Neuroscience publications
“A genome-wide cross-phenotype meta-analysis of the association of blood pressure with migraine” (2020) Nature Communications A genome-wide cross-phenotype meta-analysis of the association of blood pressure with migraine (2020) Nature Communications, 11 (1), art. no. 3368, . Guo, Y.a b c , Rist, P.M.a b c , Daghlas, I.a b , Giulianini, F.a , Gormley, P.e f g h , Anttila, V.f g i , Winsvold, B.S.j k l , Palta, P.m , Esko, T.f n o , Pers, T.H.f o p q , Farh, K.-H.f i r , Cuenca-Leon, E.e f g s , Muona, […]
WashU weekly Neuroscience publications
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent euismod, quam at feugiat commodo, turpis orci feugiat justo, nec porta nibh lectus vitae dui. Author Correction: Multimodal hippocampal subfield grading for Alzheimer’s disease classification (Scientific Reports, (2019), 9, 1, (13845), 10.1038/s41598-019-49970-9) (2020) Scientific Reports Author Correction: Multimodal hippocampal subfield grading for Alzheimer’s disease classification (Scientific […]
WashU weekly Neuroscience publications
“Using polygenic scores for identifying individuals at increased risk of substance use disorders in clinical and population samples” (2020) Translational Psychiatry Using polygenic scores for identifying individuals at increased risk of substance use disorders in clinical and population samples (2020) Translational Psychiatry, 10 (1), art. no. 196, . Barr, P.B.a , Ksinan, A.b , Su, J.c , Johnson, E.C.d , […]
Board of Trustees grants faculty appointments, promotions
At the Washington University in St. Louis Board of Trustees meeting May 1, several faculty members were appointed or promoted with tenure, effective July 1 unless otherwise indicated. Appointment with tenure …Jonathan Kipnis as professor of pathology and immunology at the School of Medicine; Carolina B. Lopez as professor of molecular microbiology at the School of Medicine […]
WashU weekly Neuroscience publications
“Entropy, mutual information, and systematic measures of structured spiking neural networks” (2020) Journal of Theoretical Biology Entropy, mutual information, and systematic measures of structured spiking neural networks (2020) Journal of Theoretical Biology, 501, art. no. 110310, . Li, W.a , Li, Y.b a Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130, United States b Department […]
Patti a finalist for prestigious Blavatnik young scientist award
Gary Patti is among the 31 finalists for the Blavatnik National Awards for Young Scientists, selected from 305 nominations across the United States, the organization announced June 17. He is the first honoree from Washington University in St. Louis in the award’s seven-year history. Patti Patti, the Michael and Tina Powell Associate Professor of Chemistry in […]
WashU weekly Neuroscience publications
“GATA2 Regulates Constitutive PD-L1 and PD-L2 Expression in Brain Tumors” (2020) Scientific Reports GATA2 Regulates Constitutive PD-L1 and PD-L2 Expression in Brain Tumors (2020) Scientific Reports, 10 (1), art. no. 9027, . Fu, Y.a b , Liu, C.J.a b , Kobayashi, D.K.a b , Johanns, T.M.b c , Bowman-Kirigin, J.A.a , Schaettler, M.O.a , Mao, D.D.a , Bender, D.b , Kelley, D.G.d , Uppaluri, R.e , Bi, W.L.f , Dunn, I.F.g , […]
Braver receives $433K grant from NIH
Todd Braver, professor of psychological and brain sciences in Arts & Sciences, received a $432,938 grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to support a project titled “Healthy Aging and the Cost of Cognitive Effort.” Read more.
WashU weekly Neuroscience publications
“Single cell transcriptomics reveals opioid usage evokes widespread suppression of antiviral gene program” (2020) Nature Communications Single cell transcriptomics reveals opioid usage evokes widespread suppression of antiviral gene program (2020) Nature Communications, 11 (1), art. no. 2611, . Karagiannis, T.T.a b , Cleary, J.P., Jr.b c , Gok, B.b d , Henderson, A.J.e , Martin, N.G.f , Yajima, M.g , Nelson, […]
WashU weekly Neuroscience publications
“Peripheral nerve resident macrophages share tissue-specific programming and features of activated microglia” (2020) Nature Communications Peripheral nerve resident macrophages share tissue-specific programming and features of activated microglia (2020) Nature Communications, 11 (1), art. no. 2552, . Wang, P.L.a b , Yim, A.K.Y.b , Kim, K.-W.a , Avey, D.b , Czepielewski, R.S.a , Colonna, M.a , Milbrandt, J.b , Randolph, G.J.a a Division […]
$13.7 million to further adolescent brain development study
Washington University scientists will receive $13.7 million in additional funding for ongoing research into adolescent brain development. Their work is part of the largest long-term study of brain development ever conducted in the United States. Washington University is one of 21 study sites around the country participating in the project. Launched in 2015, the Adolescent Brain […]
WashU weekly Neuroscience publications
“The Influence of Surgical Intervention and Sagittal Alignment on Frailty in Adult Cervical Deformity” (2020) Operative Neurosurgery (Hagerstown, Md.) The Influence of Surgical Intervention and Sagittal Alignment on Frailty in Adult Cervical Deformity (2020) Operative Neurosurgery (Hagerstown, Md.), 18 (6), pp. 583-589. Segreto, F.A.a b , Passias, P.G.a b , Brown, A.E.a b , Horn, S.R.a b , Bortz, C.A.a b , Pierce, K.E.a b , Alas, H.a b , […]
WashU weekly Neuroscience publications
“Feasibility and safety of focused ultrasound-enabled liquid biopsy in the brain of a porcine model” (2020) Scientific Reports Feasibility and safety of focused ultrasound-enabled liquid biopsy in the brain of a porcine model (2020) Scientific Reports, 10 (1), art. no. 7449, . Pacia, C.P.a , Zhu, L.a , Yang, Y.a , Yue, Y.a , Nazeri, A.b , Michael Gach, H.a b […]
‘Thank you, #WashU20’ features Claire Weichselbaum, Kow Essuman
To the Class of 2020: Thank you. For your commitment to academic excellence. For your service to the St. Louis community. For your support of your fellow students. For your devotion to your labs, your teams, your campus organizations. You made Washington University in St. Louis better. We wish we could express our gratitude to […]
WashU weekly Neuroscience publications
“The effects of vagus nerve stimulation on the course and outcomes of patients with bipolar disorder in a treatment-resistant depressive episode: a 5-year prospective registry” (2020) International Journal of Bipolar Disorders The effects of vagus nerve stimulation on the course and outcomes of patients with bipolar disorder in a treatment-resistant depressive episode: a 5-year prospective […]
Nikhil Aggarwal wins 2020 Quatrano Prize
Nikhil Aggarwal, a senior majoring in the neuroscience track of biology in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, has been awarded the 2020 Ralph S. Quatrano Prize. Established through a generous donation by Katherine Day Reinleitner, the Quatrano Prize is awarded to the thesis showing greatest evidence of creativity in design, research […]
WashU weekly Neuroscience publications
“Ocular and brain imaging findings in Peters’ anomaly: A case report and literature review” (2020) Radiology Case Reports Ocular and brain imaging findings in Peters’ anomaly: A case report and literature review (2020) Radiology Case Reports, 15 (7), pp. 863-866. Samara, A.a , Eldaya, R.W.b a Department of Psychiatry, Washington University School of Medicine, 4525 Scott Ave, St. Louis, MO 63110, […]
Manasvi Verma wins 2020 Spector Prize
Manasvi Verma, a senior majoring in biology in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, has been awarded the 2020 Spector Prize. Each year, the Department of Biology in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis awards a prize to a graduating senior in memory of Marion Smith Spector, a 1938 […]
WashU weekly Neuroscience publications
“The SARM1 axon degeneration pathway: control of the NAD+ metabolome regulates axon survival in health and disease” (2020) Current Opinion in Neurobiology The SARM1 axon degeneration pathway: control of the NAD+ metabolome regulates axon survival in health and disease (2020) Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 63, pp. 59-66. Figley, M.D.a , DiAntonio, A.a b a Department of Developmental Biology, Washington University […]
WashU weekly Neuroscience publications
“cADPR is a gene dosage-sensitive biomarker of SARM1 activity in healthy, compromised, and degenerating axons” (2020) Experimental Neurology cADPR is a gene dosage-sensitive biomarker of SARM1 activity in healthy, compromised, and degenerating axons (2020) Experimental Neurology, 329, art. no. 113252, . Sasaki, Y.a , Engber, T.M.b , Hughes, R.O.b , Figley, M.D.c , Wu, T.a , Bosanac, T.b , Devraj, […]
Juniors Eisner, Klapow awarded prestigious Truman Scholarship
Chancellor Andrew D. Martin (lower image) surprises Truman Scholars Max Klapow (left) and Zach Eisner. (Video: Tom Malkowicz/Washington University) Roommates and best friends Zach Eisner and Max Klapow, juniors at Washington University in St. Louis, have both won a Truman Scholarship, the premier graduate fellowship in the United States for those pursuing careers as public service leaders. […]
Research in most university labs moved from bench to internet
When Washington University Vice Chancellor for Research Jennifer K. Lodge first sounded the alarm about the disruptive impact COVID-19 likely would have on labs across the university, the research community heeded her warning, taking steps to shut down lab work and move as much as possible online. Those in position to do so began pivoting their research […]
Board of Trustees grants faculty appointments, promotions
At the Washington University in St. Louis Board of Trustees meeting March 6, several faculty members were appointed, promoted or granted tenure, effective July 1 unless otherwise indicated. Appointment with tenure Stephanie Li as professor of English in Arts & Sciences; Alessandro Vindigni as professor of medicine, of pathology and immunology, and of biochemistry and molecular biophysics at […]
WashU weekly Neuroscience publications
“Allopregnanolone: From molecular pathophysiology to therapeutics. A historical perspective” (2020) Neurobiology of Stress Allopregnanolone: From molecular pathophysiology to therapeutics. A historical perspective (2020) Neurobiology of Stress, 12, art. no. 100215, . Paul, S.M.a b c , Pinna, G.d , Guidotti, A.d e a Department of Psychiatry, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, United States b The Taylor Family Institute for […]
WashU Expert: Grieving in the time of a pandemic
Some 23,000 people across the globe — including more than 1,000 Americans — have died as a result of COVID-19 as of March 26. Along with many aspects of life since the virus took hold, grieving also has become more complicated for the friends and families of those who died. “There are two reasons,” said Brian […]
WashU weekly Neuroscience publications
Coping during coronavirus
Tim Bono is an assistant dean in Arts & Sciences and a lecturer in psychological and brain sciences at Washington University in St. Louis. Bono is also author of Happiness 101: Simple Secrets to Smart Living & Well-Being. Bono As precautions surrounding the coronavirus pandemic have shut down our favorite restaurants, social activities and beloved university traditions, […]
Medical students lead effort to collect masks, gowns, gloves, eye protection
With cases of the novel coronavirus on the rise in the St. Louis region, Washington University in St. Louis is anticipating shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE) — such as masks, gowns, gloves and eyewear — at university-affiliated hospitals and clinics. As work is reduced in university laboratories, medical students are asking researchers to collect […]
WashU weekly Neuroscience publications
“Modafinil in Recovery after Stroke (MIRAS): A Retrospective Study” (2020) Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases Modafinil in Recovery after Stroke (MIRAS): A Retrospective Study (2020) Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 29 (4), art. no. 104645, . Cross, D.B.a , Tiu, J.c , Medicherla, C.a , Ishida, K.a , Lord, A.a , Czeisler, B.a , Wu, C.a , Golub, D.a […]
Washington University to break ground on major neuroscience research hub
Washington University in St. Louis will begin construction in March on what will be one of the largest neuroscience research buildings in the country. Located on the School of Medicine campus, the 11-story, state-of-the-art research facility will merge, cultivate and advance some of the world’s leading neuroscience research. The 609,000-square-foot facility and interconnected projects initially […]