McKelvey School of Engineering

Locusts’ sense of smell boosted with custom-made nanoparticles

Researchers used nanostructured materials to boost neural response in the locust's brain to specific odors and to improve their identification. (Image: Singamaneni lab)

Our sensory systems are highly adaptable. A person who cannot see after turning off a light in the night slowly achieves superior power to see even small objects. Women often attain a heightened sense of smell during pregnancy. How can the same sensory system that was underperforming can also exceed the expectation based on its prior performance?

Since nature has perfected its sensory systems over evolutionary time scales, an interdisciplinary team of researchers in the McKelvey School of Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis tapped into these capabilities to adapt the system on demand to perform at its peak performance. Their tools to achieve this goal: locusts and nanomaterials too small to see. 

Srikanth Singamaneni, PhD and Barani Raman, PhD, both professors in the McKelvey School of Engineering, led a team that harnessed the power of specially made nanostructures that can absorb light and create heat, known as the photothermal effect, and act as containers to store and release chemicals on demand. They used these nanostructured materials to boost neural response in the locust’s brain to specific odors and to improve their identification. Results of the research were published in Nature Nanotechnology Jan. 25, 2024.

Singamaneni, the Lilyan & E. Lisle Hughes Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science, and Raman, professor of biomedical engineering, have collaborated for years with Shantanu Chakrabartty, the Clifford W. Murphy Professor in the Preston M. Green Department of Electrical & Systems Engineering, to harness the superior sensing capabilities of the locust olfactory system. Recently they demonstrated the feasibility of using a bio-hybrid electronic nose for sensing explosive vapors.

“We let the biology do the harder job of converting information about vaporous chemicals into an electrical neural signal,” Raman said. “These signals are detected in the insect antennae and are transmitted to the brain. We can place electrodes in the brain, measure the locusts’ neural response to odors, and use them as fingerprints to distinguish between chemicals.”

The idea, though sound, has a potential roadblock.

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